
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Michael's Coupon

Below is a link to a 25% off entire order Michael's coupon.  The coupon is valid Thursday, September 27 through Saturday, September 29th.  Enjoy,default,pg.html?cm_mmc=email-_-20120925EOW-_-H1-_-coupons&cm_em=FASAVARESE@GMAIL.COM

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuesday, September 25th Meeting

This is a fun meeting, bring plenty of paper, we are brining out the stamps and it is going to be a "stamp your hand sore night".

And a special treat Nancy will be brining some of her art work. 


Ocala Consignment Bus Tour ~ Oct. 23rd

Let us take you to Ocala’s best consignment shops EVER!!!

We pick you up in a 45 passenger coach bus driven by James, who has over 25 years of driving under his belt! His bus is equipped with plenty of storage for all of your great purchases and also has a restroom for your comfort!
We will take you on a fun filled day of shopping to:

*Renee’s Consignment Shop *Lina Beth’s Fine Consignments
*Connie’s Consignment & Thrift *The Dressing Room
*Frontier Centre which includes: The Shoppes, Perfectly Yours & Uptown Woman
All the while providing finger foods and beverages at each stop…We then finish off the day with wine, cheese & crackers!
Cost: $25 pp
Departure/Return time: 9:15 - 5:15
 Location: Spanish Springs Station
Contact Florence @
or phone:  233-5902
We also give away 21 gift certificates/Coupons…Details on bus!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ginny's card

All you need for Ginny's card is an 8 1/2 by 11 Red card stock.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tuesday, September 11 Meeting

Our next meeting is Sept 11th at 6:30 PM at Seabreeze Rec Center.

We will be making six (6) Christmas cards by Florence Savarese, Carol Seitz, Joan Fetterman, Ginny Radtke, Shirley Hallman and Joyce Stewart.

Items you will need to bring:

 Carol's card:
Medium Blue Card Stock (she used SU Marina Mist)
5 1/2 x 8 1/2 for card base & 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 for snowflake die
White card stock - 2 5 1/4 x 4 (one for front of card and one for inside.)
Silver Glimmer Paper - 4 x 4 for large snowflake

Shirley's card:
Stylus or empty ball point pen (for dry embossing)
Mouse pad or other type of crease pad
Red ink, such as Riding Hood Red, Ruby Red, or Cherry Cobbler (just not a bright red)
Sponge for sponging edges
Christmas greeting for inside

 Joyce's card:
8 1/2 x 5 1/2 deep red card stock
3x 3 deep red card stock
White card stock for inside of your card

Florence and Joan cards:
double sided tape, scissors, bone folder, glue etc

 Joan is bringing some really cute Christmas Carol sayings for the inside of your cards. Bring extra paper so you can stamp some for future use.

Ginny is also doing a card but have not heard from her yet. Didn't want to wait any longer to get this out to you. Will send hers along as soon as I receive.

Notes from last meeting:
Joyce brought examples of her Quilted Christmas balls and handed out info on what you need to bring.

October 6 is World Stamp Card Day at Lake Miona Rec Center 9AM to 1 PM. If you want a table to sell your cards and products, contact Carolyn Morris. You set your own price for whatever you want to sell.

 Ginny has worked with JoAnn's for a 10% discount for club members who have paid current year dues.

Joyce is to work up a card documenting you are a member. (They are ready and will be handed out Tuesday night.)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Kids Against Hunger Villages Food Packaging Event

Received this from Ginny. You can be thinking about it and we can discuss at next meeting. Joyce

The first Kids Against Hunger Villages Food Packaging Event is scheduled for Saturday, October 13, 2012 from 10AM to 2PM at the American Legion Post 347 on Rolling Acres Road. This event is sponsored by Deliver The Difference/Kids Against Hunger and we could really use the help of your club. The goal is to raise $12,500 and package 50,000 meals. In order to accomplish this we need support from local organizations, businesses, churches and individuals.
Deliver The Difference/Kids Against Hunger is a non-profit 501C3 humanitarian food aid organization that packages a highly nutritious rice based casserole that is provided to children in need. The 50,000 meals packaged at The Villages on October 13th will be distributed to hungry children and families in the tri-county area of Lake, Marion and Sumter counties. The nutrient rich formula was designed by food scientists and consists of rice, soy protein, 6 dehydrated vegetables, and 21 vitamins and minerals with a vegetarian chicken flavoring. Each meal provides the key nutrients a hungry child needs to survive. One cup will feed a starving child for a day. The cost of each meal is 25 cents. Did you know that in Lake County alone there are over 2900 homeless children?
Please consider having your organization be a part of this first Villages Kids Against Hunger Food Packaging Event by hosting a fundraiser, making a donation or volunteering to be on the committee. On October 13th we will need 300 volunteers to give two hours of their time to help package the 50,000 meals. Registration is being done online beginning September 15th, 2012 at
If you have any questions or I can give you and your organization any additional information, please contact me at 352-751-7329 or We would greatly appreciate any help your group could give.
Suzanne Shield

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Michael's Coupons

Below is a link to Michael's coupons..  They have a 20% off yoru entire order and a 50% off any one item that is good through Monday, September 3rd.  There is also a coupon or 40% off any one item that is good through the end of the week.  Have fun shopping